LEYM Annual Meeting

The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held June 12-15 at Ashland University in Ohio.

Annual Meeting Returns to Ashland University in 2025

We invite you to join us in Ashland Ohio for this year’s annual meeting June 12-15, 2025, where we will explore the theme of “Mending Our Nets: The Power of Becoming Whole.” This gathering offers a space to reflect on the brokenness we encounter—within ourselves, our communities, and the world—and to consider how we might repair, restore, and reweave the fabric of our lives with intention and grace. Full information and registration is found at the 2025 Annual Meeting Page.

Drawing inspiration from our Quaker heritage, as described by Frances Howgill at Firbank Fell, we will delve into the spiritual and practical work of healing, guided by worship, workshops (see 2025 offerings), and meaningful dialogue. Our plenary presenter will be Pamela Haines from Central Philadelphia Meeting. Pamela is a Quaker writer, activist, earthcare advocate and workshop leader, focused on community building and economic justice. Together, we’ll seek to understand how we can be instruments of wholeness in a fractured world. Whether you’re a longtime Friend or new to the Quaker way, we welcome you to this opportunity for renewal and connection.

A new opportunity this year will be Bible Study sessions offered by Doug Gwyn, a retired Friends/Quaker minister and former scholar in residence at Pendle Hill with deep experience in pastoral ministry, peace education, teaching and research-based writing and theology. His recent work has explored some of the communing/commonist movements today that seek to define and protect various natural and cultural resources as a common heritage among all the species of life on earth, connecting it to early Quaker movements with similar impulses. You can see some of his many publications at the website douglasgwyn.life

We welcome all ages to come with open hearts and minds as we explore the transformative power of mending—not just to restore what was, but to create something stronger and more beautiful. Save the date now and look for more information about the full program and registration process in the next issue of the Bulletin.

Quote from Frances Howgill

About the Location
Ashland University is situated in the charming small town of Ashland Ohio located about halfway between Cleveland and Columbus. Friends appreciated the compact campus, easy parking, centralized space for meeting and socializing, and good food. We also greatly enjoyed partnering with the Ashland Center for Nonviolence which was founded by the late LEYM Friend John Stratton.

What It Is – Our Annual Meeting

Every year, Lake Erie Yearly Meeting gathers from Thursday through Sunday to conduct business, worship together, and experience the Spirit’s movement among us. While the purpose of the gathering is to conduct yearly meeting business, the four days also include worship sharing, programs for children and teens (when we are meeting in-person), a plenary presentation, workshops, committee meetings, and many opportunities for getting to know Friends throughout the yearly meeting and from various Quaker organizations. Books of interest to Friends are available for sale. We are eager to welcome newcomers and greet old Friends. See you soon!

Who Attends

Members and attenders of LEYM meetings and worship groups are invited to attend. Visitors from outside LEYM often include staff or representatives from various Quaker organizations such as FGC, FWCC, and FCNL.

When and Where it is Held

Upcoming dates:
2025  June 12 – 15 – In-person at Ashland University, Ashland OH

For many years, our Annual Sessions had been regularly held on the campus of Bluffton University, a Mennonite college in Bluffton, Ohio.

Prior Years

Plenary Talks & Interviews



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