LEYM Annual Meeting

Announcement: The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held June 13-16 at Ashland University in Ohio.

Friends Together: Outpourings of the Spirit

Annual Meeting Returns to Ashland University in 2024

LEYM is returning to Ashland Ohio for another in-person Annual Meeting to be held June 13-16, 2024. The theme this year will be “Friends Together: Outpourings of the Spirit” and we’ll be joined by singer/songwriter Paulette Meier, best known for her Quaker chants, who with assistance from our own Joann Neuroth (Red Cedar MM) will provide the plenary presentation.

About the Theme
While seeking a theme for 2024, the Program Committee was inspired by the energy, creativity and life that was revealed last year as Friends gathered again for the first time since the COVID-19 shutdowns. As Friends have known since the start, when a group gathers, settles, and opens themselves to the Spirit, good things happen. This year we expect even more wonderful outpourings of the Spirit as we join together in large and small groupings, sharing meaningful workshops, participating in Bible Study, worship sharing, singing, meals and social time. We’re especially excited about the 400th birthday party we will be holding Saturday evening to celebrate early Friend George Fox, born way back in 1624.

About the Location
As Friends who attended last year can attest, Ashland University, located in the charming small town of Ashland Ohio located about halfway between Cleveland and Columbus, proved to be a good spot for LEYM. Folks appreciated the compact campus, easy parking, centralized space for meeting and socializing, and good food. We also greatly enjoyed partnering with the Ashland Center for Nonviolence which was founded by the late LEYM Friend John Stratton.

We invite all members, attenders, and acquaintances of LEYM to join in the fun and worship June 13-16, 2024. Save the date now and look for more information about the full program and registration process in the next issue of the Bulletin.

What It Is – Our Annual Meeting

Every year, Lake Erie Yearly Meeting gathers from Thursday through Sunday to conduct business, worship together, and experience the Spirit’s movement among us. While the purpose of the gathering is to conduct yearly meeting business, the four days also include worship sharing, programs for children and teens (when we are meeting in-person), a plenary presentation, workshops, committee meetings, and many opportunities for getting to know Friends throughout the yearly meeting and from various Quaker organizations. Books of interest to Friends are available for sale. We are eager to welcome newcomers and greet old Friends. See you soon!

Who Attends

Members and attenders of LEYM meetings and worship groups are invited to attend. Visitors from outside LEYM often include staff or representatives from various Quaker organizations such as FGC, FWCC, and FCNL.

When and Where it is Held

Upcoming dates:
2024  June 13 – 16 – In-person at Ashland University, Ashland OH

Annual Sessions had been regularly held on the campus of Bluffton University, a Mennonite college in Bluffton, Ohio.

Prior Years

Plenary Talks & Interviews



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