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Q-green Find a Quaker meeting Quakerfinder.org
QuakerSpeak Short, engaging video interviews on topics Friends Journal’s QuakerSpeak
Q-green Short videos about what being Quaker means to the Friend Baltimore Yearly Meeting QTube
quaker-information-center Multitudes of information geared toward non-Friends Quaker Information Center
quakerinfo Multitudes of information Quakerinfo.com
Q-green A comprehensive index of Quaker web sites Quaker.org
quakermaps Maps of Quaker meetings Quakermaps.com


FGC Friends General Conference FGC
FGC Help your Meeting challenge racism FGC Resources on Racism
FGC Extensive materials to help your worship group or meeting FGC Quaker Meetings Toolbox
FGC Helps meetings renovate, build & purchase meeting houses through loans & grants Friends Meeting House Fund (FGC)
friendsfiduciary Investing for Quaker organizations Friends Fiduciary Corporation
quaker-aging-resources Quaker aging resources Quaker Aging Resources
Quaker Parenting Initiative Quaker Parenting Iniative Quaker Parenting Initiative
quakerinfo Quaker acronyms spelled out Quaker acronyms & abbreviations


Northern Spirit Radio Dove Quaker Radio Broadcasts Northern Spirit Radio



Bookstore run by Friends General Conference QuakerBooks of Friends General Conference
Bookstore run by Friends United Meeting Friends United Press
Q-green Reprints and on-line versions of historical Quaker writings Quaker Heritage Press
esr Earlham School of Religion’s digital library of Quaker works from the 17th & 18th centuries Digital Quaker Collection
FJ_logo Independent Quaker magazine published in Philadelphia Friends Journal
quakerlife Magazine of Friends United Meeting Quaker Life
whatcanstthousay Quarterly magazine for Quakers with an interest in mystical experience & contemplative practice What Canst Thou Say?
fellowship-quakers-in-the-arts Quarterly journal of the Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts Types and Shadows
quaker-canadian The magazine of Canadian Yearly Meeting The Canadian Friend
Q-green A weekly independent magazine published in London The Friend
FriendsQuarterly This magazine carries substantial articles, occupying the space between a weekly magazine and very formal academic journals. Based in the UK. Friends Quarterly
WesternFriend-Logo Magazine of Pacific, North Pacific & Intermountain Yearly Meetings Western Friend
quakerreligiousthought Journal sponsored by the Quaker Theological Discussion Group Quaker Religious Thought
pendlehill Printed Quaker pamphlets Pendle Hill Pamphlets
wqf-pamphlets On-line pamphlets Wider Quaker Fellowship library of pamphlets
qbooks.gif On-line pamphlets Quaker Pamphlets Collection
Q-green Printed & on-line pamphlets plus an annual calendar with Quaker quotes Tract Association of Friends
quaker-universalist-fellowship On-line journal seeking to foster understanding among people from diverse spiritual cultures Quaker Universalist Voice
qew Quaker Earthcare Witness Newsletter BeFriending Creation
fcnl Friends Committee on National Legislation’s bimonthly newsletter The Washington Newsletter


FGC Organization of yearly meetings in the US and Canada that are primarily unprogrammed, including Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Friends General Conference
quakerlife Woldwide organization of yearly meetings that are primarily programmed, mostly in the US and east Africa Friends United Meeting
fwcc Organization to bring different branches of Friends together Friends World Committee for Consultation See also: FWCC Section of Americas


Q-green Publishes and responds to the concerns of Friends of African descent and provides for the nurture of Friends of African descent, their families and friends Fellowship of Friends of African Descent
fellowship-quakers-in-the-arts Nurtures and showcases the literary, visual, musical, & performing arts within the Religious Society of Friends Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts
Q-green A North American Quaker faith community that affirms that of God in all people; gathers twice yearly for worship and play Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns (FLGBTQ)
Q-green Dedicated to the study, preservation, & publication of material relating to Quaker history Friends Historical Association
quaker-universalist-voice A fellowship of Quakers and others concerned with universalist themes in the Quaker tradition Quaker Universalist Fellowship
quiplogo Quakers uniting in the ministry of the written word Quakers Uniting In Publications (QUIP)



A bunch of Quaker blogs all in one place QuakerQuaker
Q-green From Emily Provance, a young Quaker traveling minister to energize and connect interested Friends – anyone who is aiming to follow Spirit adventurously and build culturally inclusive communities of faith. Turning, Turning
Q-green From Peggy Senger Morrison, a Quaker pastor presently parked in the no-man’s land of the Q Continuum. A Silly Poor Gospel
Q-green C. Wess Daniels “is an author, educator, theologian, and part-time coffee roaster who currently lives with his family in Greensboro, NC.” Gathering In Light
Q-green A birthright Friend in the unprogrammed tradition, Lynn Fitz-Hugh, talks about Quakerism today The Friendly Seeker
Q-green Martin Kelley: dad, hus­band, media geek, lover of the quirky. Shar­ing sto­ries of Quak­ers. Quaker Ranter


mfc Chelsea, Michigan; under the oversight of Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting, LEYM Michigan Friends Center
friends-center Barnesville, Ohio; Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) Friends Center of Ohio Yearly Meeting
Ben Lomand Quaker Center Ben Lomond, California; offers simple, modestly priced, comfortable accommodations located on 80 acres of redwood forest. Ben Lomond Quaker Center
quakerlife Richmond, Ind.; Friends United Meeting Quaker Hill Conference Center
pendlehill Wallingford, Penn.; independent Pendle Hill
powell_house Old Chatham, New York (near Albany); New York Yearly Meeting’s conference center Powell House
woolmanhill Deerfield, MA (western Massachusetts); independent Woolman Hill Quaker Retreat Center
Q-green Philadelphia, PA; independent Friends Center – rents rooms for meetings & events
Q-green Harpers Ferry, WV; independent Friends Wilderness Center – 1400-acre wilderness preserve on the western side of the Blue Ridge Mountains
woodbrooke Birmingham, England; independent Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre
friends-house London, England; Britain Yearly Meeting’s conference center Friends House


olney-school Independent boarding High School in Barnesville, Ohio Olney Friends School
earlham Quaker liberal arts college in Richmond, Indiana Earlham College
esr Quaker seminary in Richmond, Indiana Earlham School of Religion
guilford Historically Quaker college in Greensboro, NC Guilford College – Quaker Leadership Scholars Program
 schoolofthespirit Offers Friends programs for study, prayer, and transformation; under the care of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Worship and Care Standing Committee The School of the Spirit
fahe Supports Quaker values in higher education through annual conferences, a newsletter, and a more scholarly, online publication Friends Association for Higher Education
friends-council-on-education Provides leadership in drawing Friends schools together in unity of spirit and cooperative endeavors Friends Council on Education
 QREC Friends from all branches share resources & support for religious education. Resource-rich web site. Quaker Religious Education Collaborative


Q-green Music camp for Quaker youth ages 10 to 18 for a month in the summer at Earlham College Friends Music Camp


(Places to stay)

Q-green Ann Arbor, Mich., in the Meetinghouse Quaker House Residential Community
Q-green Washington, DC William Penn House
casa-de-los-amigos Mexico City Casa de los Amigos
friends-house-moscow Moscow, Russia Friends House Moscow
beacon-hill Boston, Mass. Beacon Hill Friends House


AFSC Promotes lasting peace with justice as a practical expression of faith in action American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
AFSC Web site Connecting Friends to the work of AFSC
ann-arbor-peace Information on Israel and Palestine Ann Arbor Quakers promoting peace in Israel Palestine
CFSC_Star_Logotype:Layout 1 Quakers working for justice and peace Canadian Friends Service Committee
eqat Nonviolent direct action for a just and sustainable economy Earth Quaker Action Team
fcnl Quaker lobby in Washington, DC Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
fcnl Sign up for weekly alerts from FCNL (scroll down) FCNL: E-mails to Congress
friends-peace-teams Works around the world to develop relationships with communities in conflict to create programs for peacebuilding, healing & reconciliation Friends Peace Teams
 quit A Quaker initiative to end the worst that people do to one another Quaker Initiative to End Torture
pronica Works in Nicaragua for community cohesiveness, economic development, education, health, non-violence training, sustainable agriculture, & women’s empowerment ProNica
 FriendlyWaterForTheWorld We empower communities abroad to take care of their clean water needs, even as we empower people here to make a real difference Friendly Water for the World
rswr Provides seed money for micro-enterprises in Kenya, Sierra Leone and India, mostly to women. Right Sharing of World Resources
qew A network of Friends in North America as well as other like-minded people who take spirit-led action to address ecological and social crises from a spiritual perspective Quaker Earthcare Witness
QuakerInstitutefortheFuture Advances a future of inclusion, social justice, & ecological integrity through research & discernment Quaker Institute for the Future
quaker-house Provides counseling & support to service members who are questioning their role in the military, and advocates for a more peaceful world Quaker House of Fayetteville, NC
Q-green Contributes to the nationwide effort to end mass incarceration Quaker Work to End Mass Incarceration
quno Offices in Geneva and New York serve as places where UN diplomats, staff, & nongovernmental partners can work on difficult issues in a quiet, off-the-record atmosphere; also host Quaker workshops & committee meetings Quaker United Nations Office
national-campaign-for-peace-tax Advocates for US federal legislation that would enable conscientious objectors to war to have their federal income taxes directed to a special fund which would be used for non-military purposes National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund
qvs A year-long fellowship program for young adults living in community and doing service. Quaker Voluntary Service
 YouthServiceOpportunitiesProject Engages youths (middle school thru college) and adults in service working with homeless & hungry people in New York City & Washington, DC Youth Service Opportunities Project
Q-green How can Friends work for a just and lasting peace? What are meetings, Quaker organizations, and individual Friends doing to help? How may Friends reach out to others to learn and to share? Quakers with a Concern for Palestine-Israel


for Programs and educational projects concerned with domestic and international peace & justice, nonviolent alternatives to conflict, and the rights of conscience; many Quakers are involved Fellowship of Reconciliation
avp-usa Conflict transformation program via experiential workshops to develop participants’ abilities to resolve conflicts without resorting to manipulation, coercion, or violence; started by Quakers for prisoners Alternatives to Violence Project USA (AVP)
avp_international Training programs enabling participants to deal with potentially violent situations in new and creative ways Alternatives to Violence Project International
cpt Places teams at the invitation of local communities that are confronting situations of lethal conflict. Teams seek to follow God’s Spirit as they risk injury & death by waging nonviolent direct action to confront systems of violence & oppression. Started by U.S. peace churches, including Quakers. Christian Peacemaker Teams
aclu Works to defend & preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the U.S. American Civil Liberties Union
international-peace-bureau Dedicated to the vision of a world without war; focuses on disarmament for sustainable development and the reallocation of military expenditure. International Peace Bureau
nonviolent-peaceforce An unarmed, paid civilian protection force; fosters dialogue among parties in conflict and provides a protective presence for threatened civilians Nonviolent Peace Force

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