On March 21 Quakerism 101 Explores What Friends Believe

Mark your calendars now for the next sessions of the Quakerism 101 Series!

The LEYM Advancement and Outreach Committee will be offering three more sessions of the Quakerism 101 series the next few months. In February, we explored Faith and Practice books with Ann Arbor Meeting.

Coming up Next

  • We are looking forward to Thursday, March 21 7-8:30pm, when the Kalamazoo Meeting presents a session on What Do Friends Believe? This is a common question asked by inquirers, visitors, and new attenders. It’s a difficult question to answer since Quakerism is a non-creedal religion. In this session we will first explore the beliefs of early Friends and how that shaped their practices. Then we will share the experiences of present day Friends in different branches of Quakerism to illustrate how current beliefs, while retaining much of those of the founding generations, have broadened. A description of the testimonies (SPICES) will be included to show how we test whether we are putting our beliefs into action. Lastly, attenders will participate in breakout sessions to share their own beliefs. Get the event flyer here.
  • Later sessions include discussion of the meeting for business, led by LEYM Clerk Susan Loucks of Pittsburgh Meeting on Wednesday, April 17, and an introduction to Quaker service organizations from Red Cedar Meeting on Thursday, May 16.

All sessions are open to anyone—seasoned Friends, newcomers, seekers, young and old. Time for reflection and interaction is included in all sessions. Contact Joe Mills, Clerk of the LEYM Advancement & Outreach Committee for more information. (millrae@juno.com. Use subject line “Quakerism 101”).

The Thursday, March 21 session will be from 7-8:30 pm on Zoom.

The Zoom link is the same as always:

Meeting ID: 876 3794 4768 Passcode: 84448
One tap mobile: +13052241968,,87637944768#,,,,*84448#
Dial in: +1 312 626 6799

Easy share Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/quaker101

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