GPQM Midwinter Gathering to Feature Dwight Wilson

Midwinter Gathering of Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting
Saturday, March 2, 9am – 1 pm
Speaker: Dwight Wilson
“Answering the Call of My Twin Roots: Black and Quaker”

Friends are invited to the Midwinter Gathering of Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting on Saturday, March 2nd. We will meet virtually via Zoom from 9 am to 1 pm, with time for worship, a presentation by Dwight Wilson, brief announcements and updates, and a virtual shared lunch. (Schedule below.)

Dwight Wilson will read passages from his short story collections that center on Quaker/black relations in the period before the Civil War, each one followed by time for reflection and discussion. Dwight is a member of Ann Arbor Friends Meeting, now retired and writing historical fiction and lyrical psalms. He is a former FGC General Secretary and has a long history in Quaker education.

Zoom connection:
Meeting ID: 734 615 1800

Event Schedule:
9-9:30 Fellowship and Gathering
9:30-10 Meeting for Worship
10 – 11:30 Program by Dwight Wilson “Answering the Call of My Twin Roots: Black and Quaker”
11:30-Noon Brief news and announcements
Noon-1 pm Virtual lunch together

Questions to Peggy Daub or Kevin Miller

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