Quakerism 101

Quakerism 101

NEW: Help the planners evaluate the first year of this new program via this link.

The LEYM Advancement & Outreach Committee (A&O) is pleased to support an interactive Quakerism 101 monthly series.

The current series runs October 2023-May 2024, except December, and is open to all via a Zoom connection. North Columbus Friends Meeting presented the first two sessions, following a format they have used with success since 2021. Beginning in January 2024, other LEYM member meetings/worship groups have accepted the invitation to lead one of the monthly sessions, presenting a topic of their choice. Starting off the new year, Broadmead Friends hosted a reenacted visit from Lucretia Mott (as portrayed by Shelley Kotz) who shared her life story with us in a wonderful evening. In February, Friends from Ann Arbor Meeting presented a session on Guides to Faith and Practice Written by Friends. In March, the Kalamazoo Friends Meeting hosted a session on What Do Friends Believe? Here’s a handout from the session with Arthur Larabee’s list of Nine Core Quaker Beliefs, as well as a handout showing what’s in Quaker SPICES. In April we explored Quaker Meeting for Business with Pittsburgh Meeting, and in May we explored Quaker Service Organizations with Red Cedar Monthly Meeting.

The A&O Committee and North Columbus Friends appreciates how these gatherings have become a collaborative undertaking across LEYM. We envision Quakerism 101 as a format for Friends to bring their experiences and wisdom as gifts to serve our yearly meeting. Various styles of presentation have been welcome, including power points, small groups, and Q and A sessions that engage those attending.

The Full Schedule

  • Oct 17, 2023 (Tues): What is Quakerism? 7:00-8:30pm
  • Nov 14, 2023 (Tues): What is Vocal Ministry in a Meeting for Worship? 7:00-8:30pm
  • Jan 16, 2024 (Tues): Visit from Lucretia Mott 7:00-8:30pm (offered by Broadmead)
  • Feb 20, 2024 (Tues): Guides to Faith and Practice 7:00-8:30pm (offered by Ann Arbor)
  • Mar 21, 2024 (Thur): What Friends Believe 7:00-8:30pm (offered by Kalamazoo)
  • April 17, 2024 (Wed): Exploring Quaker Meeting for Business 7:00-8:30pm (offered by Pittsburgh)
  • May 16, 2024 (Thurs): Introduction to Quaker Service Organizations 7:00-8:30pm (offered by Red Cedar)

All sessions are open to anyone—seasoned Friends, newcomers, seekers, young and old. Time for reflection and interaction is included in all sessions. We look forward to seeing you!

For more information:

Contact: Joe Mills millrae@juno.com Please, Include “Quakerism 101” in the subject line.

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