Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting Gathers on May 20th

It’s almost here! On Saturday, May 20, Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting will gather in person at Ann Arbor Friends Meeting house for our Spring Quarterly Meeting. Hospitality will start at 9:30. Business begins at 10:00 a.m., with a presentation by Friend Brad Shaw at noon. BRING A BAGGED LUNCH if you need one.

The business meeting and presentation will be available hybrid. Friends are encouraged to sign in just before 10 a.m., so they don’t miss out on anything. The Zoom link can be requested from


  • Query related to stewardship of resources: How do I simplify my needs, making decisions that balance self-sufficiency and fair sharing of resources?
  • Roll call
  • Approval of minutes
  • Treasury report
  • Finance Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Friends Center report
  • Michigan Quakers for Environmental Action
  • Announcements
  • Break
  • Presentation: Brad Shaw, Red Cedar Friends: “Lessons from Quaker History: Activism within the Socioeconomic Realities of the Status Quo”

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