Celebrate World Quaker Day Oct 2nd

World Quaker Day

World Quaker Day will take place on Sunday October 2, 2022 with the theme Becoming the Quakers the World Needs.

World Quaker Day is an annual event where we celebrate the diversity of Quakerism around the world and build connections to make our community stronger.

For World Quaker Day 2022 the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) is encouraging Friends around the world to visit a different Quaker Meeting or Church outside of our Yearly Meeting. You can sign up to be part of the exchange using this form.

FWCC has also produced posters in many languages promoting the event which can be downloaded from their World Quaker Day Resources Page: http://www.worldquakerday.org/resources/ One of these could look quite nice on the bulletin board at your Meeting House. Here’s a direct link to the English Language poster.

You can watch this video with Tim Gee, General Secretary of Friends World Committee for Consultation inviting Friends to take part in World Quaker Day. Note the Trees and Roots metaphor he uses, which ties in nicely with our Annual Sessions theme for 2022.

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