Fall Spiritual Formation Retreat Details

LEYM Spiritual Formation Program Opening Workshop
Going Deeper Together
online Sept 10-12, 2021
with Marcelle Martin

The LEYM spiritual formation planning committee invites all of you to participate in this year’s spiritual formation program. The year’s program is kicked off with a weekend fall retreat in September and culminates in a one-day spring retreat in May. In between the two retreats, small spiritual formation groups meet on a regular basis. More information about LEYM’s spiritual formation program can be found here.

The goal of the fall online weekend workshop is to help us enter more deeply the truth in our hearts and connect more profoundly with the divine Presence in ourselves and in all of life. We will explore a number of practices to help us do so, including discernment exercises, supportive listening, evoking questions, focusing on God, collective sensing, and meeting for worship. We’ll be accompanied by the words and stories of early Quakers, along with the gifts of continuing revelation in our time. Exercises in pairs and small groups will provide opportunities for intimate spiritual sharing and help us move beyond internal barriers that have impeded our faithfulness. The gathered community that forms among us will support each participant to collectively access the healing and guiding Presence of God in deeper ways and provide encouragement to boldly follow our leadings as we face the challenges of today. The practices we’ll explore are especially helpful when used in spiritual formation groups, spiritual friendships, clearness committees, and faithfulness groups.

We will also take time to plan our spiritual formation program small groups and reading groups for the year.

The retreat will begin Friday evening. Sessions will be held throughout the day on Saturday and on Sunday morning. A detailed schedule will be sent to those registered for the retreat.

Those who want to do some advance reading may find it helpful to read Marcelle’s Pendle Hill pamphlet, A Culture of Faithfulness, or her recent book, A Guide to Faithfulness Groups. However, NO advance reading is required.

Marcelle Martin, the author of Our Life is Love: The Quaker Spiritual Journey, and A Guide to Faithfulness Groups, has led workshops at retreat centers and Quaker meetings across the United States. She was the resident Quaker Studies teacher at Pendle Hill for four years and a core teacher for the 9-month program, “Nurturing Faithfulness.” A Culture of Faithfulness is her third Pendle Hill pamphlet. On her blog, A Whole Heart (awholeheart.com), she shares inspiration to help us be all God has created us to be. A member of Swarthmore Friends Meeting, she lives in Chester, PA with her husband, Terry.

Register for the fall retreat here: https://airtable.com/shrt3tA5PddH8eu7Z A suggested payment for the retreat is $30, but people can pay more or less as led. No one should stay away because of cost. Payment should be made by check and sent to:

Sally Weaver Sommer
118 S. Spring St.
Bluffton, OH 45817

Please send questions to sallyweaversommer@gmail.com

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