April Representative Meeting will be held online

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting’s executive committee has discerned that we will hold our Representative Meeting that had been scheduled 4/3 & 4/4 in Pittsburgh via Zoom, the online meeting platform, to reduce #COVID19 exposure. We will now meet on Zoom Saturday morning (April 4) with the Executive Committee convening at 9:00 AM, followed by the full body at 10:00 AM. See tips below for getting started with ZOOM. Our expectation is that we will wrap up by noon. Zoom connection information has been sent out via email. You can contact the LEYM worker (leymworker@gmail.com) if you need the information to be resent.  Here’s the draft agenda, also available on our Trello planning board (access information was sent via email).

— Welcome and Orientation
— Update from Adult Program re Bluffton Meeting
— Review/Create List of Action Items to Bring Forward
— Short Break?

— Welcome and Review of Procedures for Virtual Session (Using Zoom and Trello)
— Opening Worship
— Roll Call
— Discussion of Annual Meeting Status Given Coronavirus Issues
— Review of COVID-19 Impact on Committees
— Finance Committee Report
— M&N Discussion of LEYM Virtual Worship service
— Nominating Committee Status Report & Ideas for Moving Forward
— Referral to Available Online Committee Reports
— Roundtable of Reps on Emerging Issues at Meeting Level (5 min each)
— Announcements After the Close of Business
— Closing Worship


For those new to the tool, Zoom is a video meeting platform that is designed to work across many different types of devices (phone, smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer).

Before joining a Zoom meeting on a computer or mobile device, you can download the Zoom app from the Zoom Download Center at https://zoom.us/download . If you haven’t already installed it, you will be prompted to download and install Zoom when you click a join link shared via email. While it is quick to install, it is best to set up your system in advance of a meeting.

Here’s a link to a quick video and a detailed walk-through on how to join an online meeting on different available platforms: How Do I Join a Zoom Meeting

You can also join a test meeting to familiarize yourself with Zoom and try out your set-up here: Zoom Test –  https://zoom.us/test

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