Upcoming Contemplative Retreat

LEYM Friends are invited to join in April 16-19, 2020, for All Shall Be Well: Contemplation in an Age of Crisis, a contemplative retreat in the manner of Friends at the Siena Retreat Center in Racine, Wisconsin. During the retreat, participants will experience the distinctly Quaker manner of knowing soli­tude in community. There will be individual silent time for prayer, reflection, rest, walks, and contemplative interaction with scripture and other spiritual resources. April Allison (RCF) and Roger Hansen (Milwaukee) are offering their seventh retreat in Wisconsin through the School of the Spirit, and are delighted that Elizabeth Evans (Milwaukee) will join us as she enters the SotS mentoring program.

Also Sharon Frame and April Allison will offer a Michigan-based a contemplative retreat in the manner of Friends from November 12-15, 2020, at the Weber Retreat & Conference Center in Adrian. More details will be forthcoming.

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