Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

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Associated meetings: Ann Arbor, Birmingham, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Holland, Kalamazoo, and Red Cedar. Associated Worship groups: Manitou, Pine River, and Tustin.

Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting Officers and Committees

Terms starting July 1, 2022, terms end June 31 of year listed.

Co-Clerks (2-year overlapping terms)
Maryann Concannon (RC) (2023)
Kevin Miller (AA) (2024)

Recording Clerk (1-year term)
Joe Mills (K) (2023)

Treasurer (3-year term)
Jeff Cooper (AA) (2024)

Finance Committee (3-year overlapping terms)
Bob Orr, Clerk (D) (2023)
Mark Donovan (K) (2024)
John Williams (AA) (2025)

Nominating Committee (3-year overlapping terms)
Peggy Daub (AA) (2023)
Jamie Archer (RC) (2024)
Ellerie Brownfain (BMM) (2025)

Communications Coordinator (1-year term)
April Allison (RC) (2023)

Resident Agent (serves without term)
Jeff Cooper (AA)

Currently, GPQM conducts business the third Saturday in May and the third Saturday in September.

According to the Articles of Association, GPQM’s purpose is to:

  1. promote and support the activities of its members in worship, witness and social service, according to the beliefs of Friends;
  2. found, foster and support local meetings of Friends;
  3. harmonize, publish and propagate the beliefs and aspirations of Friends with respect to worship, witness, and social service.
  • It continues to help support the American Friends Service Committee Ann Arbor office.
  • It owns and is responsible for the administration of the Friends School in Detroit
  • It acts in conjunction with the Friends Lake Cooperative Community to administer the Michigan Friends Center under its Articles of Incorporation.

Abstract of the History of Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting

  • Formed in 1957, consisting of Ann Arbor, Detroit and Kalamazoo Meetings, the East Lansing Preparative Meeting and the Toledo Friends Group
  • Attendance in the late fifties and early sixties about 200.
  • 1960 affiliated with FGC and accepted the 1955 PYM Faith and Practice.
  • 1964 incorporated officially. Grand Rapids Preparative Meeting included.
  • 1968 Birmingham Meeting became a constituent meeting.
  • 1970 Pine River Meeting;
  • 1971 Grand Rapids Meeting;
  • 1973 Red Cedar Meeting formed.
  • Holland Preparative Meeting formed ??? date.
  • In 2006, worship groups function in Albion, Fremont, Manitou, Grand Traverse and Tustin.
  • 1959 AFSC first active in Michigan;
  • 1961 Friends Lake Cooperative Community established;
  • 1963 Friends School in Detroit incorporated.

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