Sample Schedule for LEYM Teen Retreat

7 pm Arrival and light snacks
7:30 pm Settling in and getting to know each other (hanging out)
9 pm Meeting for Business to identify clerk and recording clerk, set quiet times, lights out, review expectations, sign up for work crews, discuss other needs participants bring to the weekend
Later Hanging out until lights out
9 am Breakfast, prepared, enjoyed, and cleaned up by one of the teen work crews
  Hanging out
10:30 Worship and group time to discuss the day ahead
11:00 Quaker workshop, out trip, or service project
12:30 Lunch (may be prepared, enjoyed, and cleaned up by a different work crew of teens; or lunch bought during out trip/service project)
2 pm Quaker workshop, out trip, or service project
4 pm Rest, out trip, or service project.
6 pm Dinner (prepared, enjoyed, and cleaned up by one of the teen work crews)
7:30 pm Group to evaluate the day, plan for Sunday morning, determine whether there are needs in the group to be addressed. Write a minute of appreciation together to the host meeting.
Later Hanging out until lights out
9 am Breakfast (prepared, enjoyed, and cleaned up by one of the teen work crews)
  Packing up things
10:30 Worship with host meeting or attend meeting’s First Day School
After Socialize and eat with child, teen and adult members of host meeting, as led
  Offer assistance in cleaning up following the meal
1 pm Depart


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