Listing of Meetings & Worship Groups by State
Ann Arbor Monthly Meeting
Birmingham Monthly Meeting
Chelsea Worship Group
Detroit Monthly Meeting
Fremont Worship Group
Grand Rapids Monthly Meeting
Holland Monthly Meeting
Kalamazoo Monthly Meeting
Manitou Worship Group
Pine River Monthly Meeting (Mt. Pleasant)
Red Cedar Monthly Meeting (Lansing)
Tustin Worship Group
Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting
Akron Monthly Meeting
Athens Monthly Meeting
Bluffton Worship Group (part of Broadmead)
Broadmead Monthly Meeting (NW Ohio)
Circleville Worship Group
Cleveland Monthly Meeting
Delaware Monthly Meeting
Findlay Worship Group (part of Broadmead)
Granville Monthly Meeting
Kent Monthly Meeting
Mid-Ohio Valley Monthly Meeting (Marietta)
North Columbus Monthly Meeting
Oberlin Monthly Meeting
Toledo Worship Group (part of Broadmead)
Waysmeet Worship Group
Wooster Monthly Meeting
Erie Worship Group
Indiana Worship Group
Pittsburgh Monthly Meeting
Somerset Worship Group