Policies & Procedures Manual

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting uses a manual of policies and procedures which outlines the way in which LEYM conducts business. It covers: the yearly meeting’s constituent bodies; how the yearly meeting makes decisions; the responsibilities of officers, other Friends, and committees; financial policies, practices, and forms; and LEYM’s publications, website, and database. Appendices include the history and objectives of LEYM; guidelines for business meeting; policies on care of children during LEYM sessions; and material on monthly meetings and individual membership.

LEYM’s Policies and Procedures Manual is available as a PDF file below. If you find errors or outdated information, please send a message to Jeff Cooper (cooperdaub@hotmail.com); now that we are no longer printing this manual, errors are easy to correct. Thank you.

LEYM Policies & Procedures (2011 revision, last updated March 2025)

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